

Updated Cradle to Cradle Certified® Version 3.1 to Version 4.0 transition policy

© 2022 Cradle to Cradle Certified®
This transition policy applies to both Cradle to Cradle Certified® certifications and C2C Certified Material Health Certificates™.

Products currently certified to Version 3.1:

Companies may apply for certification to Version 4.0 for products certified to Version 3.1 as of 1 July 2021 (the Version 4.0 Effective Date). All Version 4.0 certifications will be valid for three years.

In addition to any previous recertifications, products may be recertified to Version 3.1 one additional time until 31 December 2024. Assessment summary forms for these Version 3.1 recertifications will be accepted until 31 December 2024. Products must then be recertified to Version 4.0 when the Version 3.1 certification expires.

All Version 3.1 certifications will be valid for two years. Certifications previously issued in 2022 for less than two years will be extended to allow for a two-year certification period.

It will not be permitted to recertify products ineligible for Version 4.0 certification to Version 3.1 unless it is possible to demonstrate a commitment to meet the Version 4.0 requirements within a specified timeframe.

The current list of products ineligible for Version 4.0 certification can be found in Section 2 of the Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance.

New product certifications for Version 3.1 certification holders:

Companies may apply for product certification to Version 4.0 beginning 1 July 2021 (the Version 4.0 Effective Date). All Version 4.0 certifications will be valid for three years.

Applications and assessment summary forms for new product certifications to Version 3.1 will be accepted from existing Version 3.1 certification holders until 31 December 2023. All Version 3.1 certifications will be valid for two years. Applications and assessment summary forms received after 31 December 2023 will be required to certify to Version 4.0.

Exception: Products may be added to an existing Version 3.1 certification (in accordance with the product grouping policy) after the new product application deadline (31 December 2023) and through 31 December 2024.

It will not be permitted to certify products ineligible for Version 4.0 certification to Version 3.1 unless it is possible to demonstrate a commitment to meet the Version 4.0 requirements within a certain timeframe.

New product certifications for new certification holders:

Companies applying for product certification for the first time are required to certify to Version 4.0. All Version 4.0 certifications will be valid for three years. Applications and assessment summary forms for new product certifications to Version 3.1 will not be accepted from new certification holders.

For more information about Cradle to Cradle Certified® Version 4.0, click here:

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