Dyeing, Drying, Finishing
CYD is a big hit with ‘Denim Triangle’ visitors at ITMA 2019

A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG was inundated with requests for trials on its new CYD yarn dyeing pilot line by the leading denim manufacturers at ITMA 2019.
Details of the new CYD system were issued just prior to the ‘Textile Machinery Olympics’, which took place in Barcelona, Spain, from June 20-26, and throughout the seven-day show, the company received a constant stream of visitors, particularly from the so-called ‘Denim Triangle’ – Bangladesh, India and Pakistan – seeking further information.
“It was non-stop,” says Monforts Head of Denim Hans Wroblowski. “Competition in the denim industry is currently fierce, and the major players are looking for technologies that will really give them the competitive edge, which we know this technology can provide, because it was developed in response to an already very strong demand from the market. We have a fully-operational line now installed at our ATC (Advanced Technology Centre) at our headquarters in Germany and it’s already now heavily booked out.”

Monforts CYD denim technology is based on the Econtrol® technique* – the most effective and established dyeing process for denim fabrics that is now being applied for yarn dyeing.
Econtrol® is a pad-dry process employed in Monforts continuous dyeing in which the reactive dyestuff is fixed to the cellulose fibres during drying.
The fixing medium is a controlled by a steam/air mixture within the Monforts Thermex unit. With sulphur and reactive dyes in particular, the improvement in both dyed fabric quality and dye fixation is considerable, and with significant savings in energy and time due to the combined bleaching and padder fixation. The use of the Econtrol T-CA technique opens a further step ahead by dyeing yarn blends of cotton/polyester etc.

Weaving preparation
The CYD system also integrates new functions and processes into the weaving preparation processes – spinning, direct beaming, warping and assembly beaming, followed by sizing and dyeing – in order to increase quality, ?exibility, economic viability and productivity.
The multi-colour yarn dyeing system introduces a number of new concepts, including the unique Eco Bleach process.
This is the first bleaching system for yarn treatment available on the market and is combined with the washing units, after which the fabric is then dyed immediately, resulting in considerable savings in wastewater and chemicals.

It is also possible to process short batches of yarn in order to produce minimum runs of finished fabrics in a single continuous process. By comparing the usual processing sequences within the denim industry with the new CYD system, the advantages become immediately clear.
“We are now anticipating a very busy period,” Hans Wroblowski concludes. “This new technology has the potential to really move the global denim industry forward.”
* Econtrol is a registered trademark of Dystar Colours Distribution GmbH.